Sunday, April 20, 2014

We Committed an Easter Crime

We had company from out of town this weekend. So the Easter Bunny came Friday night for the boys to celebrate Saturday morning allowing our company to fully enjoy the experience of our kids excitement. I shared some pictures on my personal Facebook on Saturday of the festivities only to be met with comments that suggested we had our days mixed up and celebrated on the wrong day. I really thought at one point we had committed some big Easter faux pas. But then decided, meh…who cares what others think (I really need to remind myself of that more often).

Lane enjoying all the "gawk-let",
(chocolate). Look at the floor!
Anyway, the boys really had a lot of fun. Lane was totally into all the chocolate. Or "gawk-let" as he says it. He really understood the point of the egg hunt this year, and had a blast looking for "more gawk-let mama"! Luckily he got distracted by other things so I was able to re-hide some of the chocolate for another day (like far away, in the depths of my cupboards for when I need a melty-goodness treat myself). Hey. Don't judge!

Captain America (aka Quinn),
planning his next big rescue!
Quinn loved the egg hunt too, but was way more into the toys. He's been asking for months for some Captain America gear. The bunny was generous this year and provided exactly what he wanted. He was so proud wearing his helmet all day. It made him feel quite special. He kept rescuing us "wescue you mom" all day. Apparently we are in need of a lot of rescuing during the day in the eyes of an almost 4 year old.

I hope your festivities will filled with lots of love, laughter, fun & family! We certainly felt very blessed this weekend for so many reasons.

Oh and on a little side-note, I've been slacking in the Friday Freebie department for the last two weeks. But I promise I will have a new one up this Friday and it will totally be worth the wait :)

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